
Computing is celebrated at Harrowbarrow School both in lessons and through afterschool clubs.

Please see here our computing intent, implementation and impact statements: Computing Curriculum Intent

Please see here the content coverage of what our scheme offers: Computing Coverage Document

Please see when themes are taught and the order that they are: SSL Harrowbarrow Plan

To support children’s understanding of how learning builds on what they have learnt before and prepares them for what comes next, we sometimes use knowledge organisers. Here is an example knowledge organiser for Y5-6.

In alignment with what we are teaching we are consistently using the following vocabulary in our computing lessons:

See below for our a celebration of our learning in school over the past 12 months:

Class 3 using spheros to create and debug algorithms.

We had a whole school focus on Algorithms and Programming in the Spring Term!

Class 4 using spheros as an engine to complete tasks.

Our Lego league club coding a Spike Prime Robot for use in a national competition.

Class 4s learning with Artie Max linking in with angles and shape.




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