Religious Education at Harrowbarrow

Please find our intent, implementation and impact statement for RE here.

At Harrowbarrow School, we aim to teach our pupils to be mindful, resilient, inquisitive learners that are self aware and respectful towards a variety of religions. In alignment with the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus 2020-2025, we also aim for religious education taught at our school “to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live.” Because of this, it is hoped that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief. It is also aimed that this will then effectively allow them to reflect on their own values and the way that they choose to live. 

By the end of primary school, it is intended that all children at Harrowbarrow School have developed religious literacy; effective, articulate dialogue and the ability to participate positively knowing that they will all be respected and valued. RE contributes to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, cultural and ethical development. The ability to understand these moral and ethical issues, cultural influences and diversity enables pupils to be prepared for everyday life after primary school.

The teaching of Religious Education takes 5% of curriculum time in any one academic year, as specified in the Agreed Syllabus.

RE Progression at Harrowbarrow school

During some RE topics, it is helpful for children to use knowledge organisers. These are a useful reference point for the key aspects of learning they will need to secure. Here is are some examples of the knowledge organisers we use: Year 1/2 (spring)  Year 3/4 (autumn)

Withdrawal from Religious Education

This was first granted when RE was a religious instruction and carried with it connotations of induction into the Christian faith. RE is very different now – open, broad, exploring a range of religious and non-religious worldviews. However, parents have a right to withdraw their child from RE in whole or in part, as indicated in the school’s prospectus. If a parent wishes to withdraw their child they must write in the first instance to the Head teacher who will then invite them in to see if it will be possible to keep them in RE and, if failing that, how the withdrawal will be managed. The School Standards and Framework Act sets out the options for parents and the school currently acts on the advice of Cornwall SACRE in this regard. Teachers may also withdraw from the teaching of RE (DFE Circular 1/94 paragraphs 44-49.note 2)


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